Clive Penguin
For ages 3+
If you love ‘I Want My Hat Back’ you’ll love this too!
By Huw Lewis Jones, illustrated by Ben Sanders (Little Tiger Press, 2024)
YAY! Out now in paperback… ‘Clive Penguin’ has been cheering up classrooms, libraries, bookshops and bedtimes aplenty. Coming from a similar school as the seriously famous ‘I Want My Hat Back’ by Jon Klassen (Walker Books) and ‘The Cat Who Can’t Be Bothered’ by Jarvis (Frances Lincoln Children’s Books/Quarto), even Oliver Jeffers, this is absolutely worthy of joining the ranks of both clever illustrative and textual quick wit fun!!
In this chilly Antarctic tale, Clive, a penguin, declares that he’s freezing, even from the middle of his huddle!! He dreams of neon orange exotic islands whilst swinging on a hammock in the breeze, sipping a cocktail… so off he sets. Whilst on his ocean quest for his warm paradise, aboard a whale (of course) he finds the perfect neon orange solution to all his icy woes… I’ll let you discover this for yourselves, it’s a hoot. Stunning illustrations… also LOVE the additions of shooting stars and aurora borealis!
Love the little seagull pal side-story going on all throughout the book. I’ve loved reading this myself, but especially out loud to VERY giggly preschoolers. Bloomin’ brilliant!!
Words © Huw Lewis Jones & Illustrations © Ben Sanders